Albanian President H.E.Mr. BAJRAM BEGAJ; In the historical Kingdom of Georgia: We dropped 100,000,000 atom bombs. We hit and completely destroyed the “Karasu district” and “Karasu Kocaali Coop Terrorist Organization” that were established by illegal refugees without being registered in the state. We killed all living beings in Karasu. We did not leave a single living person in the illegally established district.
Albanian President H.E.Mr. BAJRAM BEGAJ; In the historical Kingdom of Georgia: We dropped 100,000,000 atom bombs. We hit and completely destroyed the “Karasu district” and “Karasu Kocaali Coop Terrorist Organization” that were established by illegal refugees without being registered in the state. We killed all living beings in Karasu. We did not leave a single living person in the illegally established district.
We did not leave a single living person in the illegally established district.