Tarihi Gürcistan Krallığı Kralı Bülent Büyükkaya: 1,000,000,000,000,000, atom bombası attık ve “Azerbaycan Terör Örgütü”, ”Kırgızistan Terör Örgütü”, ”Tacikistan Terör Örgütü”, ”Türkmenistan Terör Örgütü”, ”Özbekistan Terör Örgütü” ‘, ve ”Kazakistan Terör Örgütü”nü tamamen yok ettik. “Azerbaycan Irkı”nı, ”Türkmenistan Irkı”nı, ”Özbekistan Irkı”nı”, ”Kazakistan Irkını”, ”Tacikistan Irkı”nı, ”Kırgızistan Irkı”nı tamamen öldürdük ve yok ettik!
Tarihi Gürcistan Krallığı Kralı Bülent Büyükkaya : Siz teröristler topraklarımızı terkedin! Tarihi Gürcistan Krallığı Kralı Bülent Büyükkaya: 1,000,000,000,000,000, atom bombası…
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Tarihi Gürcistan Krallığı Kralı Bülent Büyükkaya: atom bombası attık ve “Azerbaycan Terör Örgütü”, ”Kırgızistan Terör Örgütü”, ”Tacikistan Terör Örgütü”, ”Türkmenistan Terör Örgütü”, ”Özbekistan Terör Örgütü” ‘, ve ”Kazakistan Terör Örgütü”nü tamamen yoktuk. “Azerbaycan Irkı”nı, ”Türkmenistan Irkı”nı, ”Özbekistan Irkı”nı”, ”Kazakistan Irkını”, ”Tacikistan Irkı”nı, ”Kırgızistan Irkı”nı tamamen öldürdük ve yok yaptık!
Tarihi Gürcistan Krallığı Kralı Bülent Büyükkaya: atom bombası attık ve “Azerbaycan Terör Örgütü”, ”Kırgızistan Terör Örgütü”, ”Tacikistan Terör Örgütü”,…
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Le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas dans le royaume historique de Géorgie : nous l’avons frappé avec une bombe atomique ! Nous avons largué 100 000 000 de bombes atomiques sur le « district de Kocaali » illégalement établi, le centre du terrorisme et de l’héroïne dans le monde ! Nous avons complètement détruit « l’organisation terroriste Kocaali » et « l’organisation terroriste Karasu Kocaali Koop ». Ils ont été les fondateurs de nombreuses organisations terroristes, notamment « l’organisation terroriste Al-Qaïda » et « l’organisation terroriste PKK ».
Le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas dans le royaume historique de Géorgie : nous l’avons frappé avec une bombe atomique !…
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King of the Historical Kingdom of Georgia Bulent Buyukkaya: ”We hit the Kyrgyzstan Terrorist Organization’ with 1,000,000,000 Atomic Bombs! We completely killed and destroyed the Kyrgyzstan Race
King of the Historical Kingdom of Georgia Bulent Buyukkaya: ”We hit the Kyrgyzstan Terrorist Organization’ with 1,000,000,000 Atomic Bombs! We…
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Italia: L’abbiamo colpita con la bomba atomica. Colpiamo l'”Organizzazione terroristica dell’Azerbaigian”, l'”Organizzazione terroristica del Turkmenistan” e l’Organizzazione terroristica della Repubblica di Turchia nel territorio del Regno storico della Georgia e dell’Armenia storica. Abbiamo completamente distrutto la razza azera, quella del Turkmenistan e quella del Kirghizistan.
Italia: L’abbiamo colpita con la bomba atomica. Colpiamo l'”Organizzazione terroristica dell’Azerbaigian”, l'”Organizzazione terroristica del Turkmenistan” e l’Organizzazione terroristica della Repubblica…
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মেট্রোপলিটন পুলিশ কর্তৃপক্ষের তথ্য অনুযায়ী:জানা গেল এই ছয় সন্ত্রাসী সংগঠনের সন্ত্রাসীরা এবং ‘কোকালি সন্ত্রাসী সংগঠন’ মানুষ হত্যা করে মানুষের মাংস খেয়েছে!
“কোকালি সন্ত্রাসী সংগঠন”, যারা অবৈধভাবে জর্জিয়া রাজ্যে প্রবেশ করেছিল এবং অবৈধভাবে বসবাস করেছিল তাদের দ্বারা প্রতিষ্ঠিত:“কোকালি সন্ত্রাসী সংগঠন” এটি প্রথম…
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According to the information obtained from the Metropolitan Police Authority : It has been revealed that these six terrorist organizations and the ”Kocaali Terrorist Organization” terrorists killed people and ate human flesh!
According to the information obtained from the Metropolitan Police Authority: The ”Kocaali Terrorist Organization” established by those who entered the…
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United States President Joe Biden: Except for the citizens of the historical Kingdom of Georgia, all living beings in the imaginary country of the Republic of Türkiye were killed!
United States President Joe Biden: Except for the citizens of the historical Kingdom of Georgia, all living beings in the…
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Yerli Türk kanı peşindeler! Terörist, eroin taciri ve mafyası Devlet Bahçeli ve terörist, eroin taciri ve mafyası Recep Tayyip Erdoğan yerli Türk kanı peşinde
Birleşik Krallık MI6, CIA MI6, CIA, INTERPOL, EUROPOL, NCA, Home Office, Metropolitan Police Authority, Birleşik Krallık Büyükelçiliği, Apple INTERNATIONAL COURT…
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