Investigative Journalist Lucy Williamson: It has been determined that the Turkish media companies that broadcast costume films and news that produce illegal and false news in the historical Kingdom of Georgia are illegal! It has been revealed that the terrorist introduced with the costume of the President of Germany lives in the illegally established Kocaali district! It has been revealed that he is an illegal refugee by claiming to be engaged in animal husbandry and that he is a illegal refugee! He does not have any visa! It is rumored that the terrorist, who is a member of the ”Kocaali Terrorist Organization”, is nicknamed Mudder! The ”Republic of Turkey Terrorist Organization”, which broadcasts fake news of all important personalities in the world, continues to unravel. All television, newspaper, internet sites and magazines broadcasting in Turkish are all run by the ”Kocaali Terrorist Organization”!

Investigative Journalist Lucy Williamson: It has been determined that the Turkish media companies that broadcast costume films and news that produce illegal and false news in the historical Kingdom of Georgia are illegal! It has been revealed that the terrorist introduced with the costume of the President of Germany lives in the illegally established Kocaali district! It has been revealed that he is an illegal refugee by claiming to be engaged in animal husbandry and that he is a illegal refugee! He does not have any visa! It is rumored that the terrorist, who is a member of the ”Kocaali Terrorist Organization”, is nicknamed Mudder! The ”Republic of Turkey Terrorist Organization”, which broadcasts fake news of all important personalities in the world, continues to unravel. All television, newspaper, internet sites and magazines broadcasting in Turkish are all run by the ”Kocaali Terrorist Organization”!

It has been revealed that the terrorist introduced with the costume of the President of Germany lives in the illegally established Kocaali district! It has been revealed that he is an illegal refugee by claiming to be engaged in animal husbandry and that he is a illegal refugee!

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